Poloniny II. – Humenné & Brekov

Abandoned convenience store in Príslop.

Humenné, currently a bank and possibly previously national savings bank.

Beautiful coloured luxfera (“glass brick”), I wonder why they are not used more commonly.

Traditional folk and open air museum in Humenné. Almost pain to see how poor and undeveloped country we were.

Fast-forward to Manor in Humenné. Apart from traditional exposition which seems interchangeable with any other manor, there were a few artistic decoration elements & detail worth of noticing.

Brekov Castle, just in time for sunset.
Humenné and eponymous village below the castle ruins.

Rudohorie I. – Štós & Medzev

Kúpele Štós
Dom oddychu / House of relax V tejto otrasnej svojke si hoviem / I indulge this horrible selfie.Opustené zanedbané budovy. / Abandoned buildings all around.


Hvezdáreň / Sky observatoryHámor / Hammer mill

 Downtown Medzev

Zaspaté mestečko, ako väčšina v tomto regióne. Pôvodné obyvateľstvo ešte aj dnes hovorí v prevažnej väčšine nemeckým nárečím, po mantácky.

Múzeum kinematografie rodiny Schusterovej


Some museum and tower views

Speicherstadt with bits of Hafen City.


Willy-Brandt-Strasse with St. Michel Kirche.



Art Nouveau building of Alte Bankhalle


Well, Haptubahnhof is near. Actual exhibit of Greek vases.

Spiegel Kantine

Flohschanze & Maritime Museum

Saturday flea market at Schanzenviertel (Flohschanze)Maritime Museum. Expect ships. Shiploads of ships. But also some bits about history of models.Plan of Teufelsbrück. Residential area on the nothern bank, ports on the southern.All you want to do is sunbathe by the North Sea.

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