Vietor je super, ale niekedy vie spraviť nervy, keď vlasy zakryjú to, čo nemajú. Ako tieto oči 🙂
Ďakujem Miške za trpezlivosť!

Wind can be awesome, but also frustrating when it makes the hair cover something that should not be covered. Such as these eyes 🙂
Thanks to Miška for being patient with me!

Hneď dve nové veci dnes – prvé TFP a logotyp.
Za obe ďakujem! Vy viete kto .)
So much new stuff today – my first TFP and logotype.
Thanks, you know who!

Competitition time! FB page of “Industrial heritage of Bratislava” organizes a tiny & friendly competition revolving around “winter harbour” of Bratislava.

You can vote for my one of photos here, next four follow.

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