Tossa de Mar
Historical photo of Tossa de Mar.
Sagrada Familia
Catalonian flags everywhere.
Platja de sa Boadella
Tossa de Mar
Historical photo of Tossa de Mar.
Sagrada Familia
Catalonian flags everywhere.
Platja de sa Boadella
Shopping centre (nákupné stredisko) with pub (pohostinstvo) in Zboj. Streetview.
Outdoor seating belonging to the pub.
Random ruin.
Damn cute house.
Typical country house for scale.
Morning light.
There is not much to see in the small town of Snina.
The few photos below are from manor house in Snina, which hosted an exhibition of local painters.
The two angular blocks on the mountain are supposed to be the two top plateaus of Sninský kameň.
Eastern rite meets modern art.
Slovak folklore meets Día de los Muertos.Praying mantis.
The state of cycling infrastructure.
NPR Rožok