Abandoned truck with French plate, right behind guest house with the only restaurant in Ulič and neighbouring villages.
Nice veranda.
Road to Sobrance.
Clearly abandoned hotel Morské oko in Sobrance.
Morské oko, natural lake. Quiet and romantic spot, something hard to find these days.
Strange shrooms.
Poloniny V. – Topoľa, Ruský Potok
Kolbasov. The house was not yet restored when Google car passed around.
War cemetery in Topoľa.
Falling apart, but still working local pub & snack bar (need to find a translation for pohostinsto), streetview for context.
Old and new sign of regional brewery – Šariš.
Long-time must had passed since you could get a beer here.
Our guide to the next point of interest.
Which is Jewish cemetery in Topoľa.
Last stop – Ruský Potok.
Quite progressive architecture for this region. Also, not many new houses here, as so many old ones are empty and cheap, as is the land.
Poloniny IV. – Bodružal, Miroľa, Krásny Brod
Houses in Miroľa.
Temple of the Protection of the Mother of God in Miroľa.
Another abandoned convenience store with sign in Ukrainian (mostly dismantled, as seen on the 2nd photo).
Monastyr Krásny Brod
Poloniny III. – Ladomírová
I apologize, but due to more information being available in Slovak websites, all the links point to resources in Slovak language. However, Google Translate works like a charm!
Each morning in Ulič was this beautifully foggy.
Entering Medzilaborce. There is the Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art, but it’s not allowed to take any photos there, so there’s that.
Havaj is real.
Bilingual memorial.
Inside the wooden Church of St. Michael Archangel of Ladomírová.
Krajné Čierno (could be translated as “Outer Black/ness” or “Extreme Black/ness”).
Poloniny II. – Humenné & Brekov
Abandoned convenience store in Príslop.
Humenné, currently a bank and possibly previously national savings bank.
Beautiful coloured luxfera (“glass brick”), I wonder why they are not used more commonly.
Traditional folk and open air museum in Humenné. Almost pain to see how poor and undeveloped country we were.
Fast-forward to Manor in Humenné. Apart from traditional exposition which seems interchangeable with any other manor, there were a few artistic decoration elements & detail worth of noticing.
Brekov Castle, just in time for sunset.
Humenné and eponymous village below the castle ruins.