
Neuveritelne, ale po roku som objavila novu commuter route, ktora bol od prveho momentu bez pochyb najlepsia – rychla, vacsinou cyklotrasy, ale nie nuda, iba dve krizovatky, a na zaver zasita cesta s mlakami, blatom, a konikmi. Pritom sa stacilo pozriet iba na mapu, ale sprvoti mi ani nenapadlo ze mozu vobec existovat TRI rozne trasy.

Harburger Elbrücke (ako vyzeral v 1907)

Zjavne majú radi búdy ako krčmy.

Už viem čo je tá Sturmflut. Neviem či bolo zrovna bezpečné hneď po nej ísť medzi stromy.


Critical Mass Hamburg, July 2017

Až teraz, po takmer pol roku sa mi podarilo dostať na Critical Mass, vraj najväčšiu pravidelnú jazdu v Európe. Z roboty, čo je cca 15 km, ma sprevádzal ako inak veľmi milý kolega, cca 50tnik, nadšený cyklista a sprievodca po Hamburgu a okolí. Jeho bicykel je vybavený troma úrovňami výstrah – prvá je zvonček, posledná trúba napojená na natlakovanú fľašu. Nechce sa mi veriť, že sú tu chodci takí nedisciplovaní, ale tu sa cyklotrasy berú vážne, ako vlastne všetko. Priberieme ešte jedného člena, a mierime pod Planetarium v Stadparku.

Po polhodinke čakania sa začne trojhodinový žúr na bicykli. Pivo sa podáva z DIY stojančekov na ráme, grilujú sa páročky na prednom nosiči za jazdy, soundsystémy som prestala počítať, ale človek si určite časť sprievodu ktorá vyhovuje jeho hudobnému vkusu. Som smutná že aj ja nemám zvonček, aby som sa pridala k náhodným vlnám zvonenia. Autá na križovatkách sú väčšinou v kľude, a vytrubujú nám skôr na pozdrav. Na Reeperbahn spravíme otočku, a až vtedy si urobím predstavu koľko je tu ľudí, keď sa navzájom míňame v protismere.

Najväčšia znamená tisíce.

Mixed Works backpack

This is hardly a review, rather a note from a fangirl. The item of interest is the Falcon S backpack by Mixed Works.
Photos: Janka

Motivation for this post is simply to express my observations from daily use, and provide additional photos, which I was missing when deciding on the buy. Also, I would like to show support for independent makers & designers that create product that I believe is well made and thought-out.

After ten years since my last purchase of a bag of any kind, I tortured myself with a few days research of a backpack with desired features and qualities. Followed by a few weeks of resistance (only due to price tag) and final defeat.

My observations:
Metal buckle is totally worth it – since it is used for accessing the main compartment, and as it is heavier, it holds very well in hand. Also – the attached strap can then be used for picking the whole backpack.

Added (and to me previously unknown) feature of rolltop bags is that you can fill them up and walk away without closing the comparment. Useful when shopping, in a hurry, or when carrying large items. Won’t fell out.

You can fit a larger shoe box inside. Coincidence? I dont’ think so. MAGIC.

After attaching a helmet using the straps, the rolltop compartment is still accessible, and without much obstruction also the front zipper pocket. The straps can hold a wheel too.

I thought I needed a ventilated back panel. Yes it is nice to have, but this feature seems to be limited to sporty bags, so I took it off the list. Also, I was worried that without it I would feel whatever is stuffed inside the bag. This proved to be false and the construction and padding of the back panel is just awesome. Not bulky and does the job.

I don’t hit the top of the backpack with my helmet when on the bike. This is a serious issue when you are short overal/have short torso – once you align the backpack in the waist using a belt, the top part gets further up than in taller person, and while in riding position can easily reach your helmet.

Cordura. No comment on that.

Made in Poland.

Added bonus: You can safely transport a banana.

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