Castejón de Sos

Somewhere in Aragon, on the way from Broto to Castejón de Sos.
Every now and then some desolate medieval settlement with bell tower …

… or lonesome farms.

Sleepy and boarded medieval town of Benasque, that is supposedly lively during skiing season.

View toward the end of the valley, where the road ends and above are some 3000s mountains and border with France.

Plan d’Aiguallut, ~ 2000 m n.m.

Forau de Aigualluts sinkhole, where the thawed water from glacier disappears underground to appear 4 km further away in the neighbouring valley, and continue its journey to Atlantic oceans.

Aragon & Ordesa

F*ck me sideways, what is this place?! More on streetview. Below is the river Ara.


Faja de Pelay was closed of due to snow, therefore we took the route to Faja Racón.
Tozal del Mallo

Water literally appearing from cracks in the stone.

Massif of Punta Tobacor showing up.

Barranco Cotatuero

Pilar de Cotatuero (on the right), which has also been climbed.

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